Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You're never fully dressed without a smile

Do you have that one song that you seem to listen to on repeat? You know what I'm talking about. That song that you always seem to play when you wake up and get ready or the one you play whenever you find yourself in a bad mood. It's that go-to song that is full of upbeat rhythm, positive lyrics and an overall good message. My song is "Dog Days are Over" by Florence + The Machine. For the past few months I have played that song over and over again, and it seems like no matter what mood I am in, that song will get my day started right. I don't think I know a single person that doesn't love some form of music; it gets you pumped up, it relaxes you, you can relate to it and there is a song guaranteed to put a smile on your face no matter what...And that right there is the point of my blog post today. Smiling. Everyone has heard the quotes, "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight" and "It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three muscles to frown," and as much as we may look past these, I challenge you to think about them. One of the biggest things I have learned in my life is the importance of a smile. It makes others feel good, it gives off positive vibes, it puts people at ease and it also makes YOU feel good. Laughing is contagious, but so is smiling. Think about it. Have you ever just smiled at someone who seemed upset or sad? Did they smile back? I'm going to hope that your answer to this question is a yes..if your answer was a no, I hope those people read this! I believe a smile to be one of the most beautiful things a person can have. Yes, you may have on an awesome new shirt or a pair of great shoes, but those things are negligible unless you finish the look with a smile. So with that being said, here is my advice for the day: Smile. Do the things that make you smile on a regular basis. Listen to upbeat music, dance around your room, sing at the top of your lungs, read a good book, eat a bowl of ice cream (I would do this right now if it wasn't 8:00 in the morning), go for a run, pray, play a game with your family, watch movies with your friends, go on an adventure. Do the things that draw the edges of your mouth up...up into a smile that will catch on like wildfire. This is one small thing you can do to make a huge difference in your life on a daily basis and in the lives of everyone else you encounter. Buddy the Elf had a line in the movie where he said, "I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite."---Well Buddy, I couldn't agree with you more. 

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