Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today is a new day

Day one of the spring semester and I don't think it could be more cold outside. In the sleeping rooms I heard a few alarms going off, and I knew that mine was going to go off soon. Sure enough, a few seconds later, the obnoxious ringtone I chose went off and I couldn't ignore it. It was inevitable...time to get up for the day. I put on my workout clothes and braved the arctic tundra as I made my way to the gym. Today I started training for a half marathon; it is going to be a 12 week process that is going to take every ounce of motivation I have. Next on the agenda was class...and then work....first day back in the routine always proves to be a challenge! However, now that I am sitting down and catching up on an episode of Jersey Shore, I realize how great it feels to get back in a routine. My excitement for this semester and the changes I plan on making has put me in a wonderful mood and I'm ready...ready to see what each new day will bring. Every single day is a new opportunity to do something great. Being motivated and productive is the best feeling ever and I can tell that this year is already off to a great start. I finally feel settled in and content; I love the girls that I live with, I adore my job, I enjoy my major, I love the activities I'm involved in...how could this year not be great?! Life advise: do the things you love doing and then every day will be exciting. Being in a routine is good, but don't be afraid to mix it up every once in a while and make things interesting. Brave that arctic tundra, stay motivated and get excited for what each new day will bring! 

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