Sunday, January 30, 2011

A renewed sense of hope

"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." -Romans 5:5
It is hard to believe that this weekend is almost over. As I sit down to work on some homework and send out a few emails I have been ignoring, I am enjoying the chance to finally sit down before an inevitably busy evening. For whatever reason, I have felt like I have been in a funk this weekend that I can't seem to get out of...the only word that comes to mind to describe how I am feeling is: discouraged. I am a person that likes to make a lot of plans and I put a lot of pressure on myself to fit in as many things as I possibly can into a day...even if that means I have no time to myself. I think I have literally driven myself crazy this time. I am typically a very positive person, but for whatever reason, I have become a negative nancy for the past few days. I have let people down and disappointed myself, but rather than climbing out of the hole I have been digging, I reached over and grabbed a shovel to dig myself deeper. However, I do believe that every experience yields some sort of lesson. And here is the lesson I am currently trying to digest: In my life I am going to disappoint people. I am not always going to make people happy and not everyone is going to like me...but that is okay. Whose opinion really matters anyway? Well...God's sure does. I need to stop worrying about letting people down, because most of the time I am probably just overanalyzing...a word that is all-to-common to me. Lately, I have been disappointing myself and that isn't good. I am putting my hope in all the wrong things and haven't been at all hopeful in God's plan for me. That needs to change. I need to be hopeful that today is a gift from God and I have no idea where all it will take me. I need to not blow off today as another bad day, but rather be confident in the fact that the day is what I make it. Here is my advice for the day: stay hopeful. Do not give up on yourself or on God if you have a few rough days. Stop worrying so much about letting other people down and just do what you can to be yourself. Don't be afraid to say no and don't over-commit yourself because that is where you will run into problems. I pray that I can put my own advice into practice....Everything is going to be alright :) 

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