"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." -Romans 5:5
It is hard to believe that this weekend is almost over. As I sit down to work on some homework and send out a few emails I have been ignoring, I am enjoying the chance to finally sit down before an inevitably busy evening. For whatever reason, I have felt like I have been in a funk this weekend that I can't seem to get out of...the only word that comes to mind to describe how I am feeling is: discouraged. I am a person that likes to make a lot of plans and I put a lot of pressure on myself to fit in as many things as I possibly can into a day...even if that means I have no time to myself. I think I have literally driven myself crazy this time. I am typically a very positive person, but for whatever reason, I have become a negative nancy for the past few days. I have let people down and disappointed myself, but rather than climbing out of the hole I have been digging, I reached over and grabbed a shovel to dig myself deeper. However, I do believe that every experience yields some sort of lesson. And here is the lesson I am currently trying to digest: In my life I am going to disappoint people. I am not always going to make people happy and not everyone is going to like me...but that is okay. Whose opinion really matters anyway? Well...God's sure does. I need to stop worrying about letting people down, because most of the time I am probably just overanalyzing...a word that is all-to-common to me. Lately, I have been disappointing myself and that isn't good. I am putting my hope in all the wrong things and haven't been at all hopeful in God's plan for me. That needs to change. I need to be hopeful that today is a gift from God and I have no idea where all it will take me. I need to not blow off today as another bad day, but rather be confident in the fact that the day is what I make it. Here is my advice for the day: stay hopeful. Do not give up on yourself or on God if you have a few rough days. Stop worrying so much about letting other people down and just do what you can to be yourself. Don't be afraid to say no and don't over-commit yourself because that is where you will run into problems. I pray that I can put my own advice into practice....Everything is going to be alright :)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Be a more beautiful you
Three words: positive self image. These three words pose one of the most difficult challenges I have come to know in my 20 years. Oftentimes it seems like the world is constantly telling us that we aren't good enough; not skinny enough, not fashionable enough, not smart enough...all of these things could not be more false. Every single human being is beautiful in their own way because we are all made in God's image. What are some ways we can let this beauty shine through us? Here are some tips:
1) Do something that makes you happy- Try something new! A couple of years ago, I created a bucket list of things I want to do in my lifetime. I included everything from going skydiving to learning how to knit...I set short term and long term goals for myself. Each time I try something new, I get such a feeling of accomplishment. Or, if you aren't quite as adventurous, stick to the things you love!
2) Do something nice for another person- Even if it is as small as a kind note, do something nice for another person every single day. Your beautiful personality will radiate when you do a good deed without the expectation of anything in return.
3) Be good to your body- Go get some exercise! Even if it is a small amount, I promise that you will feel great about yourself...get those endorphins pumping! Eat healthy (yes, I need to practice what i preach!) and make sure you get plenty of sleep.
These are just a few ways to be a more beautiful you. Do the things that make you happy, be good to your body and make sure you do something nice for other people on a daily basis. The beauty that you already have will shine and not only will you feel better, but everyone else will see how incredible you truly are. Beauty is more than just skin deep; challenge yourself to do things that will make you feel beautiful on the inside and on the outside.
1) Do something that makes you happy- Try something new! A couple of years ago, I created a bucket list of things I want to do in my lifetime. I included everything from going skydiving to learning how to knit...I set short term and long term goals for myself. Each time I try something new, I get such a feeling of accomplishment. Or, if you aren't quite as adventurous, stick to the things you love!
2) Do something nice for another person- Even if it is as small as a kind note, do something nice for another person every single day. Your beautiful personality will radiate when you do a good deed without the expectation of anything in return.
3) Be good to your body- Go get some exercise! Even if it is a small amount, I promise that you will feel great about yourself...get those endorphins pumping! Eat healthy (yes, I need to practice what i preach!) and make sure you get plenty of sleep.
These are just a few ways to be a more beautiful you. Do the things that make you happy, be good to your body and make sure you do something nice for other people on a daily basis. The beauty that you already have will shine and not only will you feel better, but everyone else will see how incredible you truly are. Beauty is more than just skin deep; challenge yourself to do things that will make you feel beautiful on the inside and on the outside.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Lean on those you love
Last night was probably one of the best nights I have had in a long time. Some of my best friends from high school got together to cook dinner and watch a movie. Best Saturday night ever. We started off the evening by making a trip to Hyvee to get some ingredients. Angel hair pasta, Alfredo sauce, rolls, salad, sparkling grape juice....check! We ended up making wayyyy too much pasta (thanks to the boys....and no you don't need to use the entire box for 5 people...noodles expand), and spent a majority of the night just talking and catching up...until we popped Mulan into the DVD player! I absolutely love my friends. Even though we all live in different places, it seems like no time has passed when we get back together. I love making new friends, but there is just something about those friends that you have grown up with that you can't find anywhere else. They knew me in my awkward stages (which I feel like lasted way too long). They knew me when I got my first bad hair cut. They knew me when my mom passed away. They knew me when I was a mathlete (yes..embarrassing). They knew me when I had my first heart break. Every single person you meet is supposed to be in your life for some reason. Whether it is temporary or life-long, get to know the people that surround you. One of my favorite quotes by Nicholas Spark says, "People come, people go – they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past." This goes to show that some people will be in and out of your life quickly, but I want to add on to this quote. Some characters (aka people you meet in your life) will hop from one book to the next...some will be gone when you read the last page, but others will stay with you for forever. Life advice: Lean on those around you--the people that knew you at your worst and at your best. Embrace relationships with the people that come into your life, but be willing to accept that not all people you meet will be in your life forever.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Today is a new day
Day one of the spring semester and I don't think it could be more cold outside. In the sleeping rooms I heard a few alarms going off, and I knew that mine was going to go off soon. Sure enough, a few seconds later, the obnoxious ringtone I chose went off and I couldn't ignore it. It was inevitable...time to get up for the day. I put on my workout clothes and braved the arctic tundra as I made my way to the gym. Today I started training for a half marathon; it is going to be a 12 week process that is going to take every ounce of motivation I have. Next on the agenda was class...and then work....first day back in the routine always proves to be a challenge! However, now that I am sitting down and catching up on an episode of Jersey Shore, I realize how great it feels to get back in a routine. My excitement for this semester and the changes I plan on making has put me in a wonderful mood and I'm ready...ready to see what each new day will bring. Every single day is a new opportunity to do something great. Being motivated and productive is the best feeling ever and I can tell that this year is already off to a great start. I finally feel settled in and content; I love the girls that I live with, I adore my job, I enjoy my major, I love the activities I'm involved in...how could this year not be great?! Life advise: do the things you love doing and then every day will be exciting. Being in a routine is good, but don't be afraid to mix it up every once in a while and make things interesting. Brave that arctic tundra, stay motivated and get excited for what each new day will bring!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Happily ever after
Hopeful. This is the word that I said on my profile described me more than any other word I have come to know in the English language. It is my blessing...but it sometimes feels like a curse. I believe that life should be and could be full of fairy tale endings (maybe I've watched a few too many Disney movies). That being said, I get thoroughly disappointed when things don't go the way I think that they should. I like to make up endings of happily ever after in my head for pretty much every situation that I am in, but not everything ends like a fairy tale. I truly believe that every experience we have shapes us into the person that we are today. The lessons I have learned in my life were not always easy, and I sometimes had some not so great experiences in order to get to where I am today. But rest assured; God has the pen and is writing each of our own fairy tales. We will all experience conflict and none of us know how our story is going to end, but that is the beauty of it. We aren't the authors. God is. God wants us to have those happy endings that are full of love and joy, and I believe that if we embrace the tough situations we encounter and learn from them, then we will achieve the perfect conclusion to our stories. Life advice: enjoy each of the chapters of your life and don't get too upset when they don't end the way that you want them to. Each individual chapter may not have the ending you are hoping for, but I can assure that you will be happy with the conclusion of the entire book. Take one day at a time, and I promise that you will eventually have that happily ever after that you are wanting...and it will be a better ending than you ever could have imagined!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Moving out and moving on
Procrastination seems to be the theme of the day for me as I am preparing to head back to K-State. Laundry is still tumbling in the dryer and I am doing everything I possibly can...to NOT pack. I have piles stacked all over my room and a list of things I wrote down that I will most likely still end up forgetting; phone charger, toothbrush, shampoo. Check. Check. Annnnnd check. Why did I decide to wait until the last day to get all of my stuff together? Denial that my winter break is almost over? The thought that organizing all my things wouldn't take all that long? Probably a little of both. However, this packing issue I seem to be having has been an ongoing problem with me. I am the stereotypical girl; I overpack and bring things back that I don't need because there is a one-in-a-million chance that THIS time I will need it. Packing is hard for me. Why is it such a difficult task? The answer is simple, really. I struggle with moving out and moving on. I get used to my daily routines and the places where I am located. Transitions from one place to another can prove to be a challenge because change is something that I am not used to. I have lived in the same neighborhood for 14 years. I have had the same core group of friends since I was in elementary school. I have had the same job (that I still continue to work at on breaks) for the past 4 years. Creature of habit? I'm thinking so. It is 100% true that time helps with change, but I am probably one of the most impatient people you will ever meet. Change is inevitable. In my future I will change friends, experience break-ups, move, work at different jobs...all of these things are going to throw me off for a little while. Rather than fearing change and trying to work against it however, I need to accept that changes will occur in my life. Advice for the day: change isn't a bad thing so stop trying to work your way around it! Pack up those bags, get pumped up for the day and embrace those inevitable changes.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
You're never fully dressed without a smile
Do you have that one song that you seem to listen to on repeat? You know what I'm talking about. That song that you always seem to play when you wake up and get ready or the one you play whenever you find yourself in a bad mood. It's that go-to song that is full of upbeat rhythm, positive lyrics and an overall good message. My song is "Dog Days are Over" by Florence + The Machine. For the past few months I have played that song over and over again, and it seems like no matter what mood I am in, that song will get my day started right. I don't think I know a single person that doesn't love some form of music; it gets you pumped up, it relaxes you, you can relate to it and there is a song guaranteed to put a smile on your face no matter what...And that right there is the point of my blog post today. Smiling. Everyone has heard the quotes, "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight" and "It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three muscles to frown," and as much as we may look past these, I challenge you to think about them. One of the biggest things I have learned in my life is the importance of a smile. It makes others feel good, it gives off positive vibes, it puts people at ease and it also makes YOU feel good. Laughing is contagious, but so is smiling. Think about it. Have you ever just smiled at someone who seemed upset or sad? Did they smile back? I'm going to hope that your answer to this question is a yes..if your answer was a no, I hope those people read this! I believe a smile to be one of the most beautiful things a person can have. Yes, you may have on an awesome new shirt or a pair of great shoes, but those things are negligible unless you finish the look with a smile. So with that being said, here is my advice for the day: Smile. Do the things that make you smile on a regular basis. Listen to upbeat music, dance around your room, sing at the top of your lungs, read a good book, eat a bowl of ice cream (I would do this right now if it wasn't 8:00 in the morning), go for a run, pray, play a game with your family, watch movies with your friends, go on an adventure. Do the things that draw the edges of your mouth up...up into a smile that will catch on like wildfire. This is one small thing you can do to make a huge difference in your life on a daily basis and in the lives of everyone else you encounter. Buddy the Elf had a line in the movie where he said, "I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite."---Well Buddy, I couldn't agree with you more.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Wanting the right things
My alarm clock went off at 7 this morning. I reached over to silence the awful sound and found myself hitting the snooze button...Again. This wasn't a morning out of the normal by any means considering I have done this same thing almost every morning for as long as I can remember. For some reason those extra 5 or 10 minutes of being half asleep/half awake satisfy me...AND make me have to get ready that much faster after I finally roll out of my warm, comfy bed. All I wanted was more sleep, but did I need it? No. That is similar to how I approach many things: I think that I NEED them and convince myself that if I just had this one thing, then I would be happy or feel better. Those forms of satisfaction are temporary and if I really took a step back and thought about it, I would realize that. Yes, I am going to go ahead and admit that I make impulsive decisions and act before I think a lot of the times. Does that get me in trouble? Yes. That is the problem with me and a lot of other people; we do things without thinking of the consequences and then just figure we will deal with whatever happens after we are done doing what we shouldn't. Why do we look for a temporary fix? Because it makes the hurt seem less bad. Because it makes us not feel lonely. Because it gives us an extra boost of confidence (for a short while at least). However, a lot of these things end up hurting us in the grand scheme of things. No, that shirt that I decided that I needed because it was 40% off probably won't hurt me too bad down the road, but you get the idea. I dated a guy for a year and a half and things did not end very well at all. I thought that the only thing that would fill that void I was feeling was a guy (yet another temporary fix). However, now that I have taken a step back, I realize that what was lacking in my life was my faith; since when was my destiny decided by me? Well, I am here to tell you that it is not. God is the only one that knows what we really need in our lives and it would be smart of us to listen. So here is some more life advice: stop looking for a temporary fix to your problems, but rather listen and look for what God is showing you will bring you eternal satisfaction. The right decision isn't always easy, so accept that hard choices will have to be made in order to achieve the ultimate happiness you are searching for. Wake up when that alarm goes off, keep that PMA (positive mental attitude) and ask yourself if your decisions will truly benefit you further down the road.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Hurry up and wait
I woke up this morning to the sound of my little brother watching TV. I looked at my clock and saw that he should be at school already and then I soon realized that there were a few inches of snow on the ground. Snow day. Those two words would have brought more joy to my life than anything else when I was in elementary, middle and high school. But now that I am on winter break as a college sophomore and realize that I have a ten hour work shift ahead of me, my excitement is instead replaced with the realization that I have some snow shoveling to do. Wonderful. However, as I sit here and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, I realize that regardless of my unfortunate work situation, the snow outside and around my house is beautiful. There are few things more gorgeous than fresh snow covering the ground and trees in a blanket of white. For the most part, people are forced to stay inside. This means finally getting a chance to sit down and read that book you have been wanting to get to or working on knitting that scarf you started weeks ago (knitting takes beyond forever in case you were wondering), or just sitting and relaxing with the family that you oftentimes are too "busy" for. We (and by we, I mean I) are always on the go and sometimes forget to appreciate the world around us. I feel like I am constantly on the move and don't even take time to enjoy the amazing things God has placed in my life. However, at times like these when we are cooped up inside our homes, we get to take the chance to soak it all up and realize that we needed this pause in our busy schedules. I needed this day. I am the infamous busy girl in my family and I try to move at a high speed pace every day. Snow day. I needed a snow day to slow myself down. God has a funny way of timing things so that we have experiences so eloquently placed, that even a romantic author like Nicholas Sparks couldn't tell the story better. Advice for the day: enjoy the world around you, stop running around like a chicken with your head cut off (a phrase my dad likes to use) and soak up the beauty of God's creation. Grab that book, drink that hot cocoa and be with that family that you always speed right past.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
A fresh start
For many people the new year means a chance for a fresh start; an opportunity to achieve the hot bod you always wanted, a time to finally quit old habits, a reason to get your life back on track...and all of these things are wonderful goals that I hope are reached by many. My new year's resolution however, is a little different. Now I know it is already the 10th of January, and no, I am not already late on a resolution I decided upon at midnight on New Years; this is a goal that I set for myself tonight. I want to do just as my blog title calls for...live in faith. My hopes are that this goal goes past 2011 and continues for the rest of my life. My hope is that I inspire others...not through this blog, but through my words and actions on a daily basis. This blog is going to be my daily/weekly (lets be honest..I'm sure some days I will forget) outlet to share the ways that I am living my life in faith and seeing the benefits of this big goal I have set in place. Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase, and that is exactly what I am about to do -- take a leap of faith in my life in the direction of ultimate happiness, which I believe comes with complete belief in God's plan for us. I am letting go and letting God take my life in His hands. This is organized, controlling Emily allowing God to take me on a journey where I am in the passenger seat and not behind the wheel for once. I find myself so focused on being in control of my own destiny...but through various experiences I have had, I have come to realize that life doesn't always go how I plan. So that's that. Here is the official kick off of MY new year. January 10th at 1:30 in the morning...lets do this!
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