Monday, January 9, 2012

What gives you life?

As I was sitting in the cozy Bethesda living room with a few of my wonderful summer staff friends in Chicago, I could not stop the tears from flowing. It was the best kind of laughter out there...the kind where you stomach aches and you come close to snorting uncontrollably. We had just taken turns sharing embarrassing stories...mostly all of them dealt with bodily functions of some kind...and we continued to pass the jar of questions around. The next question that was drawn is one that really made me think. 

"What gives you life? When do you feel the most alive?"

I thought about this question for a while before answering. I had a difficult time narrowing it down to just one thing. This is a question that I don't believe many people think about on a daily basis. When you do, however, it is hard to keep a smile from spreading across your face. 

Laughter makes me feel alive.
Community gives me life.
Colorado makes me feel alive. 
Running gives me life. 
Dancing makes me feel alive.
Young Life camp and my relationship with Jesus give me life. 
(These are just a few of the things I thought about)

God has blessed each and every one of us in numerous ways. He gives us the chance each day to truly feel alive---shame on us if we don't take that gift and run with it!

God sent his son, Jesus, to this earth and through him we have the chance to live life to the full. So do it! Dance like crazy. Sing at the top of your lungs. Enjoy the scenery around you. Laugh until you can't stop crying. 

Do what gives you life. Feel your heart pumping. Feel the embrace of those around you. Feel your face hurt from smiling. 


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