Friday, November 18, 2011

Going through the motions

As I flip through the pages on my planner, I am shocked to see how quickly the past 2.5 months have flown by. The pages are filled with events, assignments, tests and to-do lists, and I can hardly believe that I am now nearing winter break. This semester has been one of the most challenging but life-changing semesters of my life. I started the new school year with a new perspective--a perspective that more closely fits what I believe God is revealing my purpose to be. I have worked harder, studied harder and committed myself to more than ever before, but now as I finally take time to reflect, I am disappointed at the fact that I have been going against my motto and rather have been living my life unsure of where I am supposed to be going and what I am supposed to be doing. 

Live in faith. 

These 3 beautiful words reflect the way that I want to live my life, but why is that so difficult sometimes? I need to take time to allow God to fill me up again because once again I have allowed myself to take on too much. When will I learn to simplify? I have been at my breaking point for the past month or so, and I need to take a step back and truly see if I am living in line with God's plan...or if I am just continuing to hold on by a thread. 

This morning I felt this strong sense that I am supposed to be doing more...a different kind of more than I am already doing. I am going to continue to pray that God reveals to me what he wants me to be doing. I don't want to just keep going through the motions. It is time to find out where I am supposed to be--no more coasting through life. 

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