Monday, April 18, 2011

Never Alone

Wow. I can hardly believe everything that has happened over the past week and a half. Projects were due, huge tests, fundraisers, Greek week, Young seems like everything piled up at once. Last Sunday at Young Life leadership, we were given a challenge. The challenge was to go and be a part of kids' lives every day. Now I must admit that the thought of this completely overwhelmed me. As I glanced down at my planner seeing just about every hour of every day filled up with something I "had" to do, I realized that I was going to have to move some things around in order to take this challenge head on. I should go ahead and say upfront that I am an incredibly competitive person; nothing puts a smile on my face quite like a little fun competition. It might have had to do with the fact that I was exhausted from a long weekend at the Ozarks, but I went into the week with a negative attitude. However, that negative attitude quickly changed when I got to see how great it felt to be around the girls that I love, every single day. Going up to the school, watching a soccer game, going to a swim meet and getting coffee with one of my YL girls were all the highlights of what could have been a very stressful week. I looked forward to seeing not only my YL friends but also getting to build community with the YL leaders. There was one event this past week however, that made me realize how crazy God is with His timing. This past week there was a student from MHS that was shot and killed. He went to Wyldlife and was a close friend to many of the kids at both the middle schools and high school. I could hardly believe it when I found out. A tragedy like this should never happen and I am in full belief that God did not want this to happen. However, God is here to help us through any difficult time that we may face. Ironically, that was the point of our area director's challenge to us leaders. We were given a challenge to be in the life of kids on a daily basis just like God is with us on a daily basis. He is the strength we do not have on our own and He never leaves our side. God inspired our area director to make this challenge...the timing couldn't have been any better. I feel blessed that I have had the opportunity to be with my YL girls and show them that I'm there for them and that I love them so much. We never really know what life will throw at us, but God places people in our lives for a reason. Life advice: Look for opportunities to reach out to others and show them that you are there. Embrace the challenges that life throws at you. Step up and try your best. We don't always know where our efforts will take us, but the beauty of God's love is that we will never have to walk alone. 

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