Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Value of Community

This past month I have been absolutely blessed. I had the opportunity to serve at a Young Life camp in Minnesota and had the most incredible experience of my life. The group of people that I was surrounded with was amazing; I have never felt so loved and accepted in my entire life by people that I barely knew. Serving for three weeks was exhausting at times and there were definitely days that I didn't feel like I could wake up and fold one more shirt or set up for one more carnival, but through God's strength and the love and encouragement of those around me, I was able to serve my peers and kids from all across the United States. There are not many places that you can go where you get notes of encouragement, a bag of your favorite candy, kind letters and lessons about how much God loves you on a daily basis. What an amazing blessing it was to volunteer and serve. I was pushed, challenged, tested, encouraged, loved and accepted. Going into this next year, I have been given a fresh perspective on how to love those around me unconditionally..and not just when it is convenient for me. The past month was a slice of what I believe Heaven to look like and all I can say is wow. Two of my friends at summer staff, Chris and Spencer, wrote a song while we were at Castaway and the lyrics are such an inspiration to me. I find myself humming the song all day long, so this is the note I will leave on. Life advice: stop trying to do everything on your own and realize that relying on God is vital. LOVE everyone around you and be sure to show them your love and compassion toward them. Have patience in God's plan and realize that you don't have to carry the burdens of your past, present or future. Just like the song that Chris and Spencer wrote states...
Take this life. Take it all. You are by my side. You stand tall.

Chris and Spencer's song- You Stand Tall